My way of quickly leveling Perks even with OR without double XP, is to grab a few friends on a weekend, get some soda or coffee and spam the HELL OUT OF ENDLESS, Hell on Earth on endless you can get a level 0 perk up to 10-15 wave 25, depending on how much damage you deal if you're with other players, but, IMO:Ī icon (what the f%$K is this? Call of Duty?)Ĥ vault crates (that might be the push it gives for doing it, but i only got crappy stuff, only time i got precious items was scrapping the low teir vault items and then using the vault coins) (I severly dislike the gore shive, id rather start as commando then switch to survivalist to have the KFbar) the 30 percent bonus XP is not really worth the amount, if you want to Prestige, i would wait till they do a double XP weekend and Prestige then, so that you get the double bonus XP, but now if you Prestige twice, Will it be 60 XP for stock? No, its still 30 XP bonus for Prestiging twice, so, if you wanna do it to get the bonus skins, just wait till 2x XP Weekend,

I Prestiged my survivalist and, it was meh, the knife skin was, semi-okay.